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The CHS Fire Academy was visited on Tuesday October 12, 2010 by the Middle School Counselors from across Cabarrus County to learn first hand what our program was like and to find out what we offered. The visit was part of a 4 stop county wide tour call "Get on the Bus". The trip was designed to showcase 4 of the Career and Technical Education programs that Middle School Counselors need to be aware of so that they can advise their students about what is available in the High School programs throughout the county.
Assistant Chief Tabittha Beck Welcomed the Guests and spoke about her experiences with the program and also about SkillsUSA and our firefighter competition team.
Chief Randy Holloway of the Concord Department of Fire and Life Safety spoke about the role of the "Partner Agency" and explained that he felt that "This program is the single most important thing that has been done in the last 20 years by his department to promote the future of the Fire Service".
Captain Amber Cline spoke about her role as a Captain and her role as the Drill Commander on the Honor Guard.
Lieutenant Johnny Tucker spoke about his role as a member of the "Widow Keepers" and about our new Hose Family.
Battalion Chief Jake Swaim spoke about his role as the Battalion Chief and about the Presidential Physical Fitness program. His PT team demonstrated the "Square Pushups" that are a CHSFA trademark.
After a Question and Answer period, one of the Counselors volunteered to dress out in Turnout Gear including SCBA and dragged Hose the mannequin across the floor.
After the inside demonstration, all went out to see The Black Widow and get photos taken with it and to flow water from a section of hose attached to the Fire Hydrant.
Concord Fire and Life Safety provided children's Fire Helmets, Stickers, and Oven Sticks for all.
Thanks to all who were present and participated.
Chief Barlow
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